Is Almond Butter Better Than Peanut Butter?

Choosing almond butter for sandwiches and snacks over peanut butter does sound a little trendier and can provide a welcomed change. Is almond butter healthier or just something different? Are you better off opting for other types of nut butters, like almond butter? What does the nutritional breakdown say?

What's the difference between the two when it comes to vitamins and minerals?

Sadly, almond butter beats the old stand-by peanut butter. It has far more calcium---seven times to be exact---which is necessary for bones and teeth. There's three times the amount of vitamin E, too. Vitamin E can help prevent narrowing of the arteries from plaque build-up. If you compare the amount of iron, which is necessary for red blood cells, you'll find that almond butter has twice as much. Peanut butter still has a considerable amount of these nutrients, just not as much as almond butter.

Eating nuts or nut butter is a good way to get healthy fat.

People often freak out when they hear the word fat, believing it will cause you to be fat, but it's necessary for a healthy body. The key is to eat the healthiest type and avoid trans fats, which is unhealthy. If you compare peanut butter to almond butter, you'll find both provide monounsaturated fat that's good for you. However, almond butter has about 25% more of this type of healthy fat, with peanut butter providing twice as much saturated fat per serving, which should be consumed in moderation.

Which has the most fiber or protein?

Peanut butter is the winner when it comes to protein. It has 3 grams of protein per tablespoon compared to almond butter's 2.4 grams. When it comes to fiber, however, almond butter wins that round. It has slightly over twice the amount of fiber as peanut butter does. You need both fiber and protein to help fill you up and keep you feeling full. Both will do the job adequately, since peanut butter has more protein, while almond butter has more fiber.

  • Both peanut butter and almond butter contain about the same amount of magnesium, zinc, potassium and biotin. They both contain approximately the same number of calories, which is just under 100 per tablespoon.
  • Monounsaturated fat, which is more prevalent in almond butter, can help you control blood sugar better and reduce the risk of heart disease. Saturated fat, more prevalent in peanut butter, is necessary to build cell membranes, absorb fat soluble vitamins and increase bone density.
  • If you're making your own almond butter or peanut butter or opting for one that's commercially made that has no other ingredients, the amount of sugar you get will be minimal. Always read the label, since some companies add sugar to their nut butters.
  • Peanut butter is easier on your wallet, with a far lower price. Both are good options, especially for diabetics. One study found that when diabetic women ate five servings of nuts or nut butter per week. It significantly lowered the risk of heart disease.

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