Balancing Fitness And Life

Balancing your life isn't always easy. Sometimes, you must spend more time with your family or your job. Most busy people often forget about one aspect of life. That aspect is self-care, which includes fitness. It can go the other way, too. If you're ignoring your social life, family, or job to spend all day at the gym or limit your food intake to narrow food groups, you won't have balance either.

Do you schedule your workout?

If you put your exercise on your schedule, you'll be more apt to do it. It becomes as important as every other appointment you have. Don't schedule too much time. That either leads to overworking at the gym or wasting time there. If you have a trainer, the trainer sets the time for your workout. You add in enough time to shower and change clothes. For people without a trainer, spend between thirty and sixty minutes, depending on your fitness level, type of workout, and factors like how crowded the gym is. If it's much longer, you're either wasting time or over-exercising.

Fitness should play a role in your life, not take over your life.

Fitness allows you to enjoy life to its fullest. If you're spending all your time exercising, you're failing at that. Fitness is a way to stay healthier and have more energy. You may have a fitness goal, but it's not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to live your best life. If you aren't spending time to stay healthy, you'll miss a lot of enjoyment life has to offer. Playing with your children is more wearing. You won't function as well at work.

Eating should be pleasurable.

One joy in life is food. Eating should be a pleasant experience. If you're eating quickly, you aren't enjoying your food. If you're constantly dieting and eliminating most healthy food, you're also not enjoying food. Focus on eating healthy. Plan meals and snacks so they're available when you need them. Eat slower, chew your food thoroughly, and enjoy each bite. You'll eat less, enjoy it more, and improve your digestion.

  • Allow your muscles to recover 48 to 72 hours after doing strength-building exercises. It lets the muscles heal. During recovery time, the muscles mend micro-tears. If you don't give it time, those muscles won't heal, and you'll be worse off than when you started.
  • If you spend too much time exercising and ignoring other parts of your life, you'll notice changes in your social life and relationships. If you're overtraining, your mood will be negative. You'll get sick more frequently.
  • A good social life can extend your life expectancy. Studies indicate that smiling more and socializing helps you live longer. You're often more active. Don't forget to make time for friends and family.
  • Our training sessions are designed to blend the right intensity with appropriate timing to maximize the benefits. If you want more exercise, making your life more active with family and friends is an option.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

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