
Eating Simple - How To Do That

Eating Simple – How To Do That

Learning how to eat simple is relatively easy. It’s all about eating foods with only one or two ingredients. The fewer the ingredients you have, the simpler the food is. If you choose peanut butter, it should contain one ingredient or possibly two. The ingredients should be peanuts or peanuts and salt. You can use […]

Mistakes That Cause Diets To Fail

Mistakes That Cause Diets To Fail

Many people start diets with good intentions. They want to lose weight, look, and feel better. Unfortunately, they often make diet mistakes that doom the weight loss from the start. Identifying those mistakes can help you avoid them and be more successful at weight loss. One reason diets fail is that they’re diets. Instead of […]

Love Every Minute Of Healthy Eating

Love Every Minute Of Healthy Eating

There are many misconceptions about healthy eating. Some people think it’s going gluten-free or switching from table sugar to honey. While we focus on exercise at Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, FL, we encourage people to eat healthier. It doesn’t mean you have to give up all the food you love. It means you […]

Why Circuit Training Is Great For Weight Loss

Why Circuit Training Is Great For Weight Loss

Circuit training isn’t a specific exercise but a way of doing a group of exercises. Each exercise is a station that improves different aspects of fitness. They work different body parts or different types of fitness, such as cardio, flexibility, balance, or strength. People doing circuit training go from one station to another without much […]

Ab Workouts For A Stronger Core

Ab Workouts For A Stronger Core

Strong core muscles help you move with ease and maintain good posture and balance. When you include ab workouts, you’re increasing the strength of the core. At Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, FL, we include ab workouts. They help keep your stomach flat, improve your posture, and allow you to move freely. When your […]

The Importance Of Strength Training

The Importance Of Strength Training

Running is a great exercise, but if that’s all you’re doing, it’s not enough. You need four types of training to be fit. You need cardio, flexibility, balance, and strength training. All of them play a vital role in your health. People often overlook strength training because they think it causes big bulging muscles. The […]

Get Pain Relief From Arthritis Naturally

Get Pain Relief From Arthritis Naturally

People in Winter Haven, FL, often look for natural alternatives to harsh medications for arthritic pain relief. It’s not that they don’t believe in modern science, it’s that they follow the less is more approach to pain relief for arthritis. If you can find a healthy alternative that reduces or eliminates the need for prescription […]

Make This Your Healthiest Year Yet!

Make This Your Healthiest Year Yet!

There’s no better time to start a goal than the first of the year. It’s a chance to renew and dedicate yourself to your goals and dreams. For some people, it’s a financial goal and for others, it’s to make it the healthiest year ever. How do you achieve any goal? First, you have to […]