Core Workouts For A Stronger Body
Your core muscles are those in the front and back of your trunk. They keep your body erect, help maintain balance, and provide other functions, like protecting internal organs. To be your healthiest, you need to keep these muscles strong. The best core workouts improve both abdominal and back muscles. They help your posture, so they increase your energy. Good posture means your body doesn't have to work as hard to stay erect.
Planks are excellent ways to improve core muscles.
Planks are part of many exercise programs. They're called phalakasana in yoga. It's a simple movement that's a real belly buster. You start with your body face down, your elbows under your shoulders. Your forearms are on the floor, and your upper arms are at a 90-degree angle. Lift your upper body as you straighten your back. Your weight will be on your forearms and toes. Hold the position for ten seconds without letting your midsection sag or dropping your shoulders. Increase the time you hold the position as you get stronger.
Doing burpees can tax anyone's strength and endurance.
What are burpees? They're a combination of several exercises in one. They do more than build core strength. They improve cardio and work multiple muscle groups. If you're a beginner, start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body into the squat position and put your hands on the ground. From that position, jump your feet backward until you're into push-up---high plank---position. If you have the strength, do a push-up. Jump your feet back into the squat position with your hands on the floor. With force, jump straight up with your hands raised over your head. Do the parts you can do and build toward the others.
Strengthen your core muscles, glutes, and hamstrings with a glute bridge.
Lie on your back with your arms to your side, knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor. Contract your abs by pulling in your stomach as you lift your body from the floor. Your shoulder and feet should still touch. Hold the position with your body forming a straight line from your knees to your shoulders, ensuring you minimize your lower back arch. Hold as long as you can, then slowly lower your body.
- Ride a bike. It might surprise you that riding a bike can improve core muscles. Core muscles stabilize you and help you stay upright. Every time you bicycle; your core muscles get a workout. Pedaling also builds core muscles.
- Do mountain climbers for a core workout. Your core muscles must stabilize your body. As you alternate your knee movements, you'll work your abs. This full-body workout also provides cardio benefits.
- If you're walking from one room to another, you'll get core muscle benefits by making every step a walking lunge. You can increase difficulty by raising your hands above your head.
- Improve your posture as you build core strength. You can practice good posture in front of the mirror. Keep your shoulders back and your head level with the floor as your eyes look straight ahead.
For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness