Eating Simple – How To Do That

Learning how to eat simple is relatively easy. It's all about eating foods with only one or two ingredients. The fewer the ingredients you have, the simpler the food is. If you choose peanut butter, it should contain one ingredient or possibly two. The ingredients should be peanuts or peanuts and salt. You can use canned goods and frozen food, as long as nothing is added, like sugar.

Some people think that eating simple is expensive, but it's not.

We're lucky to live in such a warm environment. There are fresh fruits and vegetables all year. Choosing those that are in season can save money. You can use frozen foods or canned goods to save even more money. When you buy fresh produce, check the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists. The Dirty Dozen list contains foods showing high pesticide content even after washing. The Clean 15 list shows those with no perceivable pesticides. Choose organic Dirty Dozen vegetables to avoid pesticides and non-organic for Clean 15 fruits and vegetables to save money.

Simple food includes herbs and spices.

Instead of choosing food with additives that sound like they came from a lab, choose whole foods and season them with herbs and spices. You can make whole foods into gourmet foods by using herbs and spices. Herbs and spices add no calories, but they do add nutrients and health benefits. Create delightful salads with Brussels sprouts, baked chicken, hard-boiled eggs, romaine heats, or other fruits, lean meats, and vegetables. A simple meal contains a lean protein source, plenty of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices. It's delicious, nutritious, and fills you up without adding empty calories.

The way you cook food also determines how healthy it is.

Don't fry food. Frying food adds excess fat, especially if it's deep-fried. If you want the crunch that fried food offers, consider air frying the food with a healthy crunch. Use a light coating of olive oil on your lean protein source and roll in a mixture of paprika, garlic powder, salt, pepper, onion powder, or other healthy seasoning. You don't need breading when you air fry food. Steam, roast, grill, broil, or slow-cook food. Healthy cooking techniques keep food simple.

  • When you eat simple, you choose fresh fruit or fruit canned in its own juice to fruit canned in syrup. You'll cut calories and avoid sugar which increases inflammation and belly fat.
  • Simple cooking can save money. Besides using local sources and in-season fruits and vegetables, you focus on portion control and what you don't use can create a second meal.
  • Snacks can be easy when you create simple treats. Frozen bananas on a stick with a small amount of melted chocolate is one example of a clean dessert. A parfait of fresh fruit, yogurt, and nuts is another.
  • Have a meatless Monday to save money or just vary the menu. Use beans, quinoa, nuts, and tofu as protein sources. You can sprinkle them on salads or use them as the primary main dish.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

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