Reasons Why Physical Activity Is So Important

If you live in Lakeland, FL, you might be considering increasing your physical activity. Like many people, you probably realize how important it is. It helps you look good, feel good, and have an improved outlook on life. You need four types of fitness: flexibility, endurance, balance, and strength. Finding activities that meet that need can be difficult. It's one reason people use the services of a personal trainer and workout at a gym. It rounds out their physical fitness program.

You'll increase your endurance and cardiovascular health.

The more you exercise, the more efficient your heart becomes. It makes it easier for the heart to relax and pump blood more efficiently. It takes less effort. Exercise increases nitric oxide. It relaxes blood vessels. The more relaxed vessels are, the less effort your heart has to make. Exercise boosts circulation by 25% and keeps vessels more flexible.

Exercise strengthens muscles and improves insulin resistance.

People who maintain their strength tend to have fewer accidents and injuries. Exercise improves muscle strength. Exercising also improves the body's ability to process glucose. It makes the cells more sensitive to insulin, so they open to absorb glucose. That reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. It also aids in weight control by increasing the calories you burn. Obesity is now the leading cause of preventable death. The more muscles you have, the higher your metabolism will be. Muscle tissue requires more calories to maintain than fat tissue does. That also helps control weight.

Exercise boosts your brain power.

When you exercise, it reduces the tendency for the body to trigger the fight-or-flight response. It also helps burn off cortisol and causes the body to release "happy hormones" like endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. It improves your mood by reducing the fight or flight response, increases circulation which can clear your head, and improves cognitive functioning. Exercise releases BDNF--- brain-derived neurotrophic factor. BDNF improves your mood and brain functioning, helping you to think better.

  • Osteoporosis causes weak, brittle bones. It occurs because muscles become weak and don't tug on the bones, so calcium, which makes bones strong, leaches out and isn't replaced. Weight-bearing exercise, such as walking or weightlifting, offsets it.
  • As you age, regular exercise is even more important. It improves balance, slows aging, and helps prevent injury. It can make the difference between living independently and requiring assistance.
  • If you have arthritis, a painful condition, or painful muscles from overworking them, mild exercise can help. It helps keep joints lubricated, can relieve chronic pain, and improves circulation to promote healing.
  • Exercise lengthens your life. Studies show that active people tend to live longer. It improves the quality of the extra years, too. It keeps you younger at a cellular level.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

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