Supplements For Muscle Growth And Recovery

When people in Lakeland, FL, ask about supplements for muscle growth and recovery, I tell them to check their diet first. If your meals aren't nutritious, no matter how many supplements you take, you won't get the results you want. There are situations where a supplement can help. Even in those cases, proceed with caution and follow directions carefully. Creatine can help build muscles but may interact with other herbal supplements and caffeine. It can cause water retention in the muscles and weight gain and increase the risk of stroke.

Tread carefully.

Identify your need and work from there. There are no magic ingredients to help you build muscle without putting in the work. There are also reasons that supplements can boost your workout efforts. If you can't eat enough protein to build muscles or your body can't process it well, discuss taking a supplement with your healthcare professional. It can prevent muscle loss, known as sarcopenia, which often occurs with aging. There is evidence that collagen, protein, and creatine supplements can help, but since supplements aren't regulated, you need to be selective and find ones certified by an outside testing company.

You can improve your workout, prevent muscle soreness, and boost recovery with supplements.

When you exercise intensely, you burn stored glycogen. You can offset this energy loss to offset and replenish the muscle glycogen stores. You can do that two ways. One is with diet. A pre-workout supplement increases glycogen stores, improving your workout and jump-starting recovery. Follow your workout with a post-workout snack or meal. You'll reduce muscle soreness by replenishing the stores. Eating a combination of protein and carbohydrates is one way. Taking a protein supplement containing carbs is another.

Using other supplements beyond protein may help.

If you're taking collagen to boost your muscle growth, you'll benefit from adding vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary to create muscle tissue and increase recovery efforts. It reduces inflammation caused by the microtears in the muscles that occur when you work out intensely. That speeds up the recovery process. It also improves the healing process. Increasing zinc in your diet or taking a supplement may also trigger more tissue growth for muscle repair.

  • Most people can consume a protein/carb snack, but if you're in a hurry or have digestive issues, consider a protein shake.
  • As you age, your L-carnitine, an amino acid, diminishes. It aids in energy creation. Curcumin contained in turmeric with some black pepper or a supplement of omega-3 are supplements that reduce inflammation.
  • Studies show that whey protein helps build muscles. It comes from dairy. If you're lactose intolerant, use a different form of protein, such as pea protein. Signs of intolerance include flatulence, diarrhea, and cramps.
  • Low vitamin D levels reduce testosterone. Supplementation helps. Before taking any supplement, always check with your healthcare professional. They may interact with medications or produce side effects for people with some health conditions.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

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