
Nutrition For Weight Loss

Nutrition For Weight Loss

A lot of clients in Winter Haven choose healthy eating in addition to exercise to lose weight. Making those lifestyle changes are important and the best way to succeed. There are some basics to for healthy eating, like eating whole foods and cutting out sugar, but also some rules for good nutrition for weight loss. It’s one reason fad diets won’t give you the results you want. You don’t get adequate nutrients for optimal health. Certain nutrients can also boost your metabolism and make weight loss easier.

Some foods provide nutrients, while fighting fat.

Eating products from grass fed cows, peanuts, almonds, free range eggs or walnuts provide arginine. This potent fat-fighter can boost your weight loss success. A study in the Journal of Dietary Supplements showed that obese women who took L-arginine for twelve weeks lost an average of 6.5 pounds and 6.5 inches more than those that didn’t. When you take it before a work out, it boosts the fat burning effects.

Food with magnesium can add to your weight loss arsenal.

Your body requires magnesium for a number of functions. Magnesium aids in burning fat and synthesizing protein. It improves muscle contractions. It lowered insulin levels and fasting glucose levels, according to a study in the Journal of Nutrition. Lower blood sugar levels, improved fat burning and improved protein synthetization reduce the amount of fat stored. Magnesium will help you boost the stored fat burning process, too. Magnesium is found in cashews, almonds, dark leafy vegetables such as spinach.

Potassium is a nutrient you also need to shed weight.

There’s a good reason doctors recommend eating a banana for people with heart problems. It’s the potassium in it. Potassium helps muscle recovery after a workout and aids in getting rid of sodium, while it acts like a natural diuretic flushing the fluid out of your system. One estimate shows that only about 4.7 per cent of Americans get adequate potassium in their diet. Foods that contain potassium, besides bananas include avocados and leafy greens.

  • You need healthy fat to be the most successful in weight loss. It fills you up and also provides anti-inflammatories and heart health. Foods containing healthy fat include avocado, flaxseed, grass fed beef and wild salmon.
  • Choline and B-vitamins help shut down fat storing genes and make you feel less hungry. You’ll find both in eggs.
  • The sunshine vitamin, vitamin D, is epidemically low in America today. Part of the cause is sunscreen and lack of sun exposure. Vitamin D provides appetite control and can increase weight loss. It’s also found in fish and eggs. It lowers the risk for dental carries, osteoporosis and lowers cancer risks.
  • Resistant starch is in raw oats, chilled potatoes, peas and lightly green bananas. It helps the friendly bacteria in your digestive system, while leaving you feel fuller and burns more fat.

Tips To Help Achieve Your Health Goals

Tips To Help Achieve Your Health Goals

I help clients in Lakeland stick with their goals with helpful tips. You can achieve your health goals too when you use them. It doesn’t matter whether the goal is to lose weight, build muscle or boost your cardio performance, these tips will help. Before you even set goals, learn to use the SMART technique to create them and give yourself a better chance to achieve them.

SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.

Each on of those letters and processes are important. The goal must be very specific. Setting a goal to get healthier isn’t specific, but setting a goal to lose weight is. It must be measurable, so in the weight lost example, you’d include exactly how much you want to lose. The goal needs to be attainable. If you set your goal to be taller so you’re the proper weight, that’s definitely not attainable. Losing ten pounds a month is. A relevant goal is something that’s important to you, not something a friend or lover said you should do. Finally, time-bound means you have to set a specific time to achieve the goal. Without it, most people never start and the goal becomes just a wish.

If you’re goal is big, break it down to smaller goals.

If you have to lose 100 pounds or want to go from sedentary to marathon running, you need to break down that big goal to smaller ones. Huge goals are impressive, but also overwhelming. They take a long time to achieve and that can mean dwindling motivation. If you have a big goal, you need to break it down into smaller, easier to achieve goals that can be reached in a short time frame. That 100 pound goal could be broken down to a goal of losing ten pounds a month. It’s easier and quicker to achieve, so you get the motivation to continue that comes from success.

Create your path to achieve those healthy goals and make it specific.

Being specific is so important when you want to achieve any goal. Rather than just saying you want to exercise and eat healthy to lose weight, create your routine, schedule your workouts for the week and plan meals and snacks that are lower in calories and high in nutrition. Make your path enjoyable. If you hate running, that’s not the exercise you want to choose. It gives you an opportunity to find the best path. If you aren’t getting results, you can modify the path or create an entirely new direction to reach your goals. While it’s discouraging not to reach a goal, having a plan outlined helps you know what didn’t work so you can change it and make it work.

  • It’s not a failure to decide to change your goals. There are many reasons to change goals. Achieving a goal is one of those. If you find your weekly goal was too easy, you can change it. The same is true if it’s too tough to achieve.
  • You might need to create several goals at once. For instance, if eating healthy is a goal, you might need to learn how to cook healthy or what healthy eating is. If negativity is stopping you from achieving your goal, learning to be more positive is a supplemental goal.
  • Give yourself a reward when you achieve a goal. Make it something you really want that you wouldn’t do otherwise. Buy new clothes, take a trip or lounge around the house for a day. Then start on the next goal.
  • If you want to lose weight, that’s find, but there are other ways to measure how healthier you are. It could be lower blood pressure, the flights of stairs you can climb before you beg for oxygen or the inches you lost.