
Healthy Snacks For The Car

Healthy Snacks For The Car

Clients in Lakeland, Florida say that road trips often throw off their healthy eating and exercise program. There are several ways to combat that problem. For exercise, stop every hour or two and simply walk or even do simple exercises. Plan the trip ahead to make stops at places that offer healthy food and take […]

Is It Bad To Workout Every Day?

Is It Bad To Workout Every Day?

Will you get faster results if you workout every day? It all depends on what you consider a workout. If you’re lifting weights every day, STOP! You’ll actually be losing ground rather than gaining it. When you lift weights or do strength building exercises, it makes micro tears in the muscle that need time to […]

Is Regular Exercise That Important?

Is Regular Exercise That Important?

People who come to Habitat Fit in Lakeland, Florida, know the importance of regular exercise. It’s a keystone to fitness, right along with a healthy diet. It isn’t healthy to workout hard once every month or so and remain inactive the rest of the time. For good health, any exercise, irregular or not, is better […]

Best Workouts For Beginners

Best Workouts For Beginners

If you’ve made it your new goal to get fit, you probably want to find the best possible program to achieve that goal. Finding workouts for beginners can help solve that problem, but you still have to identify how much you should push yourself and how many repetitions to do. It’s one reason people love […]

Smoothies And Spandex

Smoothies And Spandex

If you expect your visit to the gym to be filled with gorgeous fit people all wearing the latest Spandex workout clothes and drinking exotic smoothies, you’ll really be surprised when you come to Habitat Health and Fitness. Some people avoid going to the gym because they think they have to dress and look a […]

Flex For Fun

Flex For Fun

I love watching the people in the team and small group classes in Lakeland, Florida. While you’ll sometimes see a bit of dread on the participants faces when they have to start something new, most of the time you’ll find they enjoy themselves, even when the workout is hard. The people in the group classes […]

No Equipment Workouts

No Equipment Workouts

I appreciate our faithful clients to come to Habitat Health and Fitness and put the design of their workout in our hands, going through each guide workout with intensity and passion. However, even the most committed client has occasions when they can’t make it to the gym and need no equipment workouts to fill in […]

Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast

Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast

Lots of clients in Lakeland, Florida, FL want to get rid of cellulite and you can certainly understand why. Our weather is perfect for spending a lot of time at the beach and nobody wants the cratered and dimpled skin that occurs when you have cellulite. It’s often one of the reasons people seek out […]

Fat Burning Detox Soups

Fat Burning Detox Soups

Winter is a great time to make soup. While our weather is far warmer than most areas, it still can get chilly at night in the winter. Now, you can make soup that warms you up, while also helps burn fat. These fat burning detox soups are also delicious and you can make them ahead […]