Healthy Snacks For The Car

Clients in Lakeland, Florida say that road trips often throw off their healthy eating and exercise program. There are several ways to combat that problem. For exercise, stop every hour or two and simply walk or even do simple exercises. Plan the trip ahead to make stops at places that offer healthy food and take healthy snacks for the car. In fact, you might even map out a grocery or farmer's market along the way. Preparing ahead of time is important. Snacks can help prevent you from overeating and making desperation stops at fast food chains.

Make sure you have a cooler for some of these healthier snacks.

String cheese is always a top choice for people on the road. Fresh vegetables and dip can fill you up and not out. Whether you choose to make your own dip or get little individual containers at the store, it will provide the crunch and munch that helps tackle your hunger and keep your hands and mouth occupied. Some of that road hunger does come from boredom. If you want a healthier dip option, make your own hummus. It contains B vitamins and protein. Dip strips of green or red pepper. Mini red, orange and yellow peppers can be stuffed with cheese, too.

Pop corn ahead of time and make individual bags of popcorn.

Popcorn provides that snack food type appeal, but is still good for you. Just make sure that it's not the microwave type. Pack it in individual paper lunch snacks and sprinkle it with your favorite topping. You can use premade special popcorn toppings like cheddar cheese and bacon or sour cream and chives, or grab that Parmesan cheese out of the refrigerator and sprinkle it on liberally. If you go for something less exotic, try butter salt topping.

Fresh fruit or celery sticks and nut butter keep you feeling full longer.

While it's tough to preassemble apples slathered in peanut butter, you can make celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins---ants on a log. Taking along a container of nut butter, whether peanut butter, almond or cashew and a knife to cut the fruit and a spoon to slather on the nut butter. Whole grain bread or healthy whole grain crackers also go well with nut butter.

  • Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and raw nuts are also healthy and filling on the road. You'll get protein and fiber, plus healthy fat that keeps you satisfied longer.
  • Those individual tuna servings come prepared to travel. Some even come with flavors like basil and sundried tomatoes.
  • If you have a cooler, hard boiled eggs are perfect for travel. Greek yogurt is also good and can be complemented with fresh berries.
  • Don't forget to take plenty of water along. Skip the colas and even the fruit juice. Both add calories when you're least likely to burn them. Water quenches your thirst without a single calorie.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

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