How Exercise Can Help You Live Longer

Beautiful fit senior couple in gym working out, doing push ups.

Most people want to live longer, but they also include the qualifier,” and remain active and independent.” Quality of life is the key. When you exercise regularly, it increases both longevity and the quality of those added years. The old saying, “Exercise adds years to your life, and life to those years,” is true. How does exercise help? It reduces the risk of several life-threatening illnesses, including the number one cause of preventable deaths, obesity.

Exercise helps build new cells and protects the chromosomes.

Stem cell research has opened new medical doors. Most people think of fetal cells when they hear stem cells, but your body continues to create them, no matter how old you are. The key is to remain active. The more active you are, the more stem cells you create. Stem cells are cells used to replace dying and damaged cells. Before knee replacement or other orthopedic surgery, many surgeons suggest increased activity to boost stem cell production. Exercise also helps protect older cells and extends their life by protecting the chromosomes. Each cell has a telomere that prevents the chromosomes from unraveling. It acts similar to aglets on the end of shoelaces. Exercise extends the telomeres to add longer protection.

When you exercise, you increase circulation.

Increased circulation provides more nutrients and oxygen to the cells. It improves respiratory efficiency and strengthens the heart. Like any muscle, the heart gets stronger the more you exercise it. Exercise also keeps the joints lubricated and muscles flexible. It affects your digestive process in several ways. Movement improves the passage of food through your digestive tract. Exercise also improves the balance of microbes in the microbiome. Exercise can help control obesity, which increases the risk of many life-threatening conditions such as heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Exercise also helps lower blood pressure.

Exercising regularly keeps you younger and less prone to injury.

Whether it’s strength-building, flexibility, balance, or endurance, all types of exercise make you less prone to injury. It can help prevent muscle pulls and sprains and reduce falls. Weight-bearing exercise can strengthen the bones and prevent osteoporosis. Exercise also reduces stress, which adds to aging. It boosts circulation to improve your skin and keep it looking younger. It puts pep in your step, so you’ll look and feel younger, too.

  • You can increase your activity level by taking walks or getting guidance in a group, semi-private, or private sessions with a personal trainer. Trainers design programs that meet your needs.
  • No matter what your physical shape, exercise is beneficial for almost all people of all ages. Always check with your healthcare professional first before starting an exercise program.
  • Increasing your steps to 10,000 a day can reduce mortality risk by 40%. Even if you only increase them as little as 3,000 extra steps a day, it can reduce mortality significantly.
  • Exercise brings relief to people with arthritis pain and other joint pain. It can help reduce back pain and prevent it. It lowers blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and cholesterol levels.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

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