
The Difference Between Food Allergy And Sensitivity

The Difference Between Food Allergy And Sensitivity

Most people in Lakeland, FL, can identify some food that doesn't agree with them. A few live in fear because their reaction could be life-threatening. That's one explanation of the difference between a food allergy and a food sensitivity, or intolerance. It's how the body responds to the food and what triggers the reaction. The immune system triggers a food allergy. Food sensitivity, or intolerance, is triggered by the digestive system.

Your body can't adequately process food with food sensitivity.

People with sensitivities to food don't face life-threatening consequences. Their belly may bloat with gas, but their face and airways won't swell. All the action takes place in the digestive tract. If you're lactose intolerant, you can't process the sugar, which is lactose in dairy. Your body doesn't create the enzymes, or creates less than required, to digest the food. The result is that the dairy fails to digest in the small intestines, or only partially digests, and the watery undigested lactose moves to the colon. It ferments there and causes bloating, pain, and gas.

Food allergies start with the immune system and can have severe, life-threatening results.

The immune response to the body's foreign invaders is beneficial when the invader is a virus, bacteria, or fungus, but can be deadly if the body mistakes a specific food protein for an invader. It can trigger similar reactions, and produce antibodies to attack it, releasing chemicals into the system. In rare, but extreme cases, just touching the food can create a dangerous reaction. Breathing difficulties, digestive issues, and skin conditions like hives or swelling can occur.

Some foods commonly cause both reactions and sensitivities.

Food that's difficult to digest for some people due to enzymes includes dairy, due to too little lactase, the enzyme that breaks it down. It includes the inability to break down histamines in food like pineapples, cheese, bananas, chocolate, and avocados. Gluten is another protein the body may have difficulty digesting, just as food additives or preservatives are. People can be sensitive to naturally occurring chemicals or sugars, caffeine is one chemical example, and an onion is an example of a sugar. Some of the same foods are responsible for allergies. Eight foods are responsible for 90% of food allergies. They include milk, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, and soybeans.

  • While most food allergies are related to allergic antibodies, some aren't. Instead, they activate other parts of the immune system, are delayed, and don't cause life-threatening issues but primarily vomiting, diarrhea, or bloating.
  • Some conditions create a fertile environment for the development of food sensitivities. These are inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Celiac disease can create conditions for other food sensitivities.
  • While digestive issues may be similar in food sensitivity and food allergies, food sensitivity doesn't cause skin conditions, swelling, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, dizziness, or death.
  • Skin pinprick tests can't determine every food allergy. A few allergies require the consumption of the offending food. People often refuse the test and avoid the offending food instead.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

Are 1 Lb. Of Fat And 1 Lb. Of Muscle Equal?

Are 1 Lb. Of Fat And 1 Lb. Of Muscle Equal?

Do you want to look your best? People often focus on losing weight, but they also need to focus on the fat to muscle tissue ratio. The two aren't equal. A biological female weighing 130 pounds but has over 25% body fat will look far heavier than a counterpart weighing the same whose body fat is 14%. Even though the two are the same weight, the one with more muscle will look thinner.

Muscle tissue is denser than fat tissue.

If you created a container to hold precisely one pound of fat tissue and a container to hold exactly one pound of muscle tissue, the one containing fat tissue would have to be bigger than the one containing muscle. A pound of fat tissue isn't as dense as muscle tissue and requires more space to hold a pound. It weighs less per cubic inch. It's why working out makes you look thinner even if you don't lose a single pound. You've built a pound of muscle and lost a pound of fat. You'll look thinner the more muscle you have.

Fat plays a different role in the body than muscle does.

Fat is stored energy that is ready to use for energy if there's not enough food. Muscle performs a different function. It's necessary for movement and that movement can keep the body healthier and bones strong. Muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance than fat tissue does. The more muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism and the more calories you'll burn even when you're at rest.

Too much fat plays a negative role in health.

If you're extremely muscular and at the high end of the weight chart, there's normally no effect on your health. In fact, you'll probably be healthier than the average person within the normal weight range. You'll have lower blood glucose levels, less inflammation, and better insulin sensitivity. Excess fat plays a different role in health, particularly if it's around the waist. A higher percentage of fat can increase the risk of heart disease, some types of cancer, metabolic disorders, and diabetes.

  • You'll look better with a healthier fat to muscle tissue ratio. You'll have a more defined body mass that doesn't jiggle when you move. It doesn't matter what body shape you have lean; toned muscles add to its appearance.
  • Never try to eliminate all fat from the body. Fat plays an important role too. It's a matter of ensuring you don't have too much.
  • Diet alone isn't enough to achieve a good balance of body fat and muscle. Exercise that builds muscle tissue improves body composition. Strength-building workouts and a healthy diet can reduce body fat while providing many health benefits.
  • If you're doing strength training to build muscles, you're also increasing your output of calories, which can lead to even more weight loss. While cardio exercises are important, the calories burned come from both muscle and fat.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

Signs You Need To Eat More Calories

Signs You Need To Eat More Calories

People who work out at Habitat Health and Fitness know that continuously eating more calories than you require causes weight gain. It's the first thing most overweight people learn about weight control. What most people don't search for are signs you actually need to eat more calories. It may sound like a dream come true, but it isn't. It's just as hard to gain weight as it is to lose it. Too few calories can interfere with the functions of the body and lead to critical health issues.

If you don't have enough energy to complete normal daily activities, you may need more calories.

Exhaustion from doing simple tasks can occur for several reasons. Some reasons are serious health conditions that require medical attention. One that can be prevented is the lack of calories. The body uses calories for energy. If there aren't enough calories, it uses body fat. Once the body fat is depleted, it breaks down the protein in the body for energy. All along, weight loss and exhaustion can become a problem, particularly over longer periods.

Too few calories can cause mood swings.

If your temper is shorter than usual or you're laughing one minute and crying the next, it could be from too few calories. A calorie deficiency can cause hormone levels to change, which can lead to mood changes, depression, and irritability. Besides low calorie intake, nutritional deficiencies can also occur. Each type of deficiency comes with its own side effects, which also are clues you're not eating enough.

While losing weight is one sign, gaining weight may be another.

Weight management is tricky. It requires balancing the number of calories consumed with the amount burned. If you consistently consume too few calories, it can slow your metabolism. That can cause weight gain or difficulty managing weight. Some people starve themselves for a while to shed extra pounds and then go back to normal dietary habits and immediately regain the weight and sometimes more. That can occur because of a slower metabolism caused by too few calories for lengthy periods.

  • Ironically, even though exhaustion may be one sign, the inability to sleep is another. This instinct came from early man who remained awake to hunt when there were too few calories in his diet.
  • If you notice your hair is thinning, it might be from too few calories and the nutrients you aren't receiving from not eating the foods providing calories.
  • Infertility can be a problem if you eat too few calories. It can promote hormonal imbalances causing periods to cease. Low calorie intake or low body fat percentage interferes with hormones and signals the body that pregnancy shouldn't take place.
  • If you're always feeling cold, tired, or hungry, make sure your calorie count isn't too low. It can cause all three things to occur. Too few calories can also cause constipation.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness


Herbs And Other Remedies To Decrease Stress

Herbs And Other Remedies To Decrease Stress

Clients at Habitat Health in Lakeland, FL, love working out. They say it helps them decrease stress. There are often stressful times when exercising isn't possible. Some have asked for alternative remedies, such as herbs, mental focus routines, or other possibilities that don't require putting on gym clothes and working up a sweat.

Stop the stress before it becomes a problem.

Early man faced many threats, such as a wild animal or an enemy. Those stressors required man to either run or fight. The stress triggered hormones that changed the body, allowing man to do those two things more successfully. Today different types of stressors not requiring running or fighting exist. The body's response is still the same, even though the stressed person's response isn't. That causes the changes to be unresolved and creates serious health issues. Learning techniques to prevent the fight or flight response, such as breath focus, mindful meditation, or guided imagery can do that.

Have a cup of tea to relax your nerves.

All types of tea from the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant, traditional black, white, or green tea, help relax the body and provide relief. They all contain L-theanine, but green tea has the most. L-theanine reduces stress hormones and increases hormones that calm the brain. Several herbal teas are beneficial for reducing stress. Lemon balm, from the mint family, has a lemony smell when crushed. Like other members of the mint family, it's easy to grow but quite invasive once it starts. Chamomile, motherwort, valerian, and passionflower are a few others.

Eat food that helps reduce stress.

Eating sweet potatoes, swiss chard, or organ meats helps reduce stress. Swiss chard contains magnesium. Magnesium has a calming effect and a deficiency can cause panic attacks and anxiety. You can absorb magnesium through the skin, so taking a bath in Epsom's salts---magnesium sulfate---can be so relaxing. Sweet potatoes contain potassium, vitamin C, and other nutrients that reduce the stress response. It's the vitamins B12, B6, folate, and riboflavin in organ meats like liver that help lower stress levels.

  • An anti-inflammatory diet that's high in B vitamins and devoid of foods that contain added sugar can help nerve functioning and keep stress levels lower. Food containing garlic can also reduce stress.
  • Increase food with omega-3 fatty acids, like fatty fish or flax seed. Prison studies showed that when food with omega-3 fatty acids increased and omega-6 reduced, incidences of violence diminished.
  • Eat food that's good for your gut microbiome. It plays a role in mental health and stress. Probiotic foods include kimchi, yogurt, and sauerkraut. Add prebiotic foods with soluble fiber to feed the beneficial bacteria.
  • Two stress-relieving foods many people love include dark chocolate and pumpkin seeds. The dark chocolate must be at least 90% cacao. Both contain magnesium.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

The Importance Of Cooling Down After You Exercise

The Importance Of Cooling Down After You Exercise

There are many articles about warming up before exercise. It's important to warm the muscles to get them pliable and avoid injury. However, cooling down after exercise is just as important, but it's often skipped. Why? In some cases, people don't realize it's important, but in most cases, they're tired and mentally done with anything that involves moving one more minute. It doesn't have to be that difficult. You can cool down, without significantly adding to your workout time.

When you first finish your workout, your circulation is increased.

The increased circulation sends the blood supply to all parts of the body, warming every muscle. Much of the blood remains in the limbs. If you suddenly stop, it can cause the blood to pool in the extremities. If you suddenly stop, it can lead to blood pooling in the arms and legs because of reduced circulation. When that happens, there's not enough for the brain and people feel dizzy, weak ,or faint. In most cases, it's not a medical emergency, if you have a pre-existing condition, it can be. It can also cause injuries from falling.

Taking a few minutes to cool down can aid in recovery.

DOMS----delayed onset muscle soreness---is a condition that happens approximately 24 to 48 hours after a workout. It causes sudden pain that's almost unbearable. It can happen after an intense strength-building exercise or after a long run. It causes abnormal muscle contractions that occur due to microtears in the muscle. A California State University study following participants after strength training showed that cycling sessions to cool down reduced the potential for DOMS dramatically. The conclusion was that the mild circulation and stretching of cool down aided in muscle relaxation, lowering the risk.

Cooling down helps avoid injuries.

Just like warming up helps prevent injuries, the same is true of cooling down, but not as directly. When you warm up, you loosen the muscles, an intense workout adds to that flexibility. After working out, leg muscles can feel like jelly. The warmed muscles are pliable, making it the perfect time to do range-of-motion stretching as a cool-down exercise. You'll improve your range of motion while your muscles are more flexible.

  • Stretching after a workout can be a cool down must be the correct type of stretching. Dynamic stretching, such as lunges, should be part of a warm-up. Static stretches that stretch and hold, like the cobra pose from yoga, are excellent for cooling down.
  • Lactic acid can build up in the muscles after an intense workout. Ten minutes of cool-down exercises can help remove this waste byproduct from muscles and prevent burning pain and nausea.
  • Static stretches, mild bicycling, and swimming are good exercises for cooling down. You can also modify your intense exercise, like walking after a run.
  • If you aren't sure whether your body has cooled down enough, your heart rate will tell you. Cooling down allows the heart rate and breathing to return to normal, lowering body temperature and increasing endorphins.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

People exercise for many reasons. Some like the energy it gives them or the exhilaration felt after working out hard. Others appreciate the changes it makes in their bodies and how good they look. Most people know that working out also provides health benefits when it's done regularly. Even when people exercise to lose weight, better health is often one of the reasons for weight loss. While seeing body changes doesn't happen overnight, you'll often notice more energy relatively quickly and feel less stress almost immediately after a workout. That's because exercise is a stress buster. It burns off stress hormones and sets your body back to normal.

Muscle mass diminishes as you age unless you exercise.

The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism is. Muscle mass requires more calories to maintain than fat tissue, so it burns more calories 24/7. Around the mid-30s, the body starts to lose muscle mass unless effort is put into maintaining it. Exercise is important to keep both muscles strong and protect the bones. When the muscle tugs on the bones, it uptakes more calcium, making them stronger. If you lack muscle mass and don't do weight-bearing exercise, there's no tug and the bone loses calcium, causing osteoporosis.

Exercising can reduce the ravages of aging.

Everyone gets old eventually and it's far better than the alternative. What you want to avoid is premature aging, while maintaining the ability to live on your own. Exercising regularly helps you do that. Not only does it promote circulation to all parts of the body, but it also lengthens the telomeres. The telomeres are at the end of DNA and help prevent it from unraveling and cellular death. It acts much like an aglet on a shoelace. It shortens with each replication, but exercise can make telomeres longer.

The risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease is lowered when you exercise regularly.

Regular exercise helps lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and can reverse insulin resistance. Studies show that all types of exercise are good, but strength training is especially good for regulating blood sugar levels. According to studies, four months of strength training reduced body fat, built muscle, and improved blood glucose levels, but it also does much more. It helps you lose weight, which lowers blood pressure, too. Just by losing as little as 2.2 pounds, you can lower your blood pressure by one millimeter of mercury. Weight training also helps shed pounds around the mid-section called visceral fat. That also helps reduce insulin resistance and lower blood pressure.

  • Are you suffering from chronic back pain or arthritis? The good news is that you can help relieve that pain with exercise. It helps build ligaments, muscles and tendons around the joints to relieve pressure, reduce weight, and relieve tightness in the back.
  • If digestive issues bother you, exercise can help. It improves the movement of food through the digestive system and increases beneficial microbes in the gut that produce enzymes that boost digestion, immunity, and mental health.
  • Poor posture can lead to many health conditions. If you slump over, your breathing is affected and acid reflux is more likely. Exercise improves posture, which also reduces the risk of back pain.
  • Stem cells aid in repairing all parts of the body. Adults still make stem cells, and exercise increases production. Exercise also improves angiogenesis, maintaining the right amount of blood vessels. Making too few causes heart disease, but too many can lead to cancer.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

The Benefits Of Leafy Greens

The Benefits Of Leafy Greens

While working out is an important part of weight loss and fitness, nutrition also plays an important role. We have local farmers in Lakeland, FL, that grow some of the healthiest options, such as leafy greens. You get many health benefits from adding leafy greens to your diet. They're high in fiber and water content, so they're filling, yet have only a few calories, improving weight loss potential. Depending on the green, there are a wide variety of nutrients, too. The potassium in leafy greens like spinach can help reduce bloating, relieving you of excess water weight.

Combine dark leafy greens into a salad or make them into a smoothie.

Dark leafy greens contain folate, which is sometimes called vitamin B9. It's the natural B9, with the synthetic type that's harder to digest called folic acid. Many people already know that a healthy folate level is important for anyone that wants to get pregnant or is pregnant, since it reduces the risk of defects of the neural tube of the baby, plus lowers the risk of congenital heart defects and cleft palates. It also increases fertility rates in both men and women. Folate improves cognitive development and functioning and reduces the risk of cognitive decline. It boosts heart, vision, bone, and immune system health. It helps fight cancer and is a natural mood enhancer.

Leafy greens prevent premature aging.

Your DNA has a protective cap called telomeres. They perform the same function as the plastic ends on shoelaces, preventing the DNA from unraveling. The longer they are, the longer the cell lives and replicates. Leafy greens help delay telomere shortening, just as regular exercise does. Dark leafy greens also contain beta-carotene that helps reduce the potential of sun damage to the skin and prevents fine lines, while stimulating cellular turnover for clear skin.

Improve your immune system with leafy greens.

Inflammation is beneficial if it's acute and lasts a short period. If it's out of control and chronic it can damage the body. Acute inflammation occurs when you're injured and helps start the healing process by increasing blood flow to the area and triggering the release of proteins and antibodies. Those fight off microbes that invade the body and cause illness. Chronic inflammation is different. It lingers and leaves your body in a continual state of alertness, negatively impacting all the tissues and organs. The nutrients in leafy greens, such as kale, collards and spinach, help regulate the immune system. Leafy greens contain vitamins A, C, and E, folate, antioxidants, D, polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, and lutein which reduce oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.

  • The combination of electrolytes, dietary fiber and glycosylates supports liver health and facilitates the production of enzymes that aid in digestion and reduce constipation.
  • The USDA---United States Department of Agriculture---studied the effects of consuming 2 to 3 servings of leafy greens daily. It found it lowered the risk of stomach, skin and breast cancer.
  • Leafy greens provide anti-inflammatory compounds that maintain blood pressure and nerve functioning. It also contains vitamin K that aids in arterial health and normal blood clotting.
  • One of the biggest benefits of eating more leafy greens is weight loss. Obesity is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States. Adding extra servings to your daily diet can help shave off extra pounds.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

Why Should You Start Working Out This Year

Why Should You Start Working Out This Year

No matter what your age or gender, there are a lot of reasons to start working out this year. If you live in Winter Haven, FL, it's even easier to increase your activity than it is in colder climates. Walking more is one way to increase your activity and any increase is good, but is walking enough? You need more than just cardio and lower leg strength to be truly fit, which is why you should make this year devoted to your health and start working out to round out your fitness program.

You need strength training to help prevent injury and loss of muscle mass.

After you reach your mid-30s, you start to lose muscle mass. The loss of muscle tissue can be between 3 and 5% every decade. It doesn't have to occur if you maintain a program of regular exercise, but what if you didn't and are now much older? It's never too late. While it's harder to build the older you are, it's still possible. When you workout regularly, your body maintains higher HGH and testosterone levels to make maintaining muscle mass easier. It also increases the number of stem cells that help keep you looking and feeling younger.

Exercising regularly can fight osteoporosis and help regulate blood sugar.

When you lose muscle tissue, it can cause you to lose bone density. When muscles tug on the bone, it causes them to uptake calcium to keep them stronger and prevent bone damage. If you don't have strong muscle tissue to do that, it can cause decreased bone density---osteoporosis. Exercise also helps prevent and even reverse type 2 diabetes. It aids in increasing insulin sensitivity. Several studies show that strength training lowered body fat, while it increased muscle mass. In doing that, within four months helped lower blood glucose levels dramatically.

Exercising can reduce inflammation.

Exercise helps inflammatory diseases in several ways. Studies on patients with rheumatoid arthritis showed it reduced pain by building up the muscles, tendons and ligaments around the joints to relieve the pressure. It increases circulation, which can relax tight muscles and improves posture. By strengthening the muscles in the back, it can relieve back pain, too. Exercise also increases the production of stem cells to replace worn and damaged cells. It lengthens telomeres that protect the cells from DNA damage, allowing them to replicate longer.

  • Exercise helps improve the microbiome in your gut by increasing the population of beneficial microbes. These beneficial microbes affect all areas of your health, from your mood to your digestion.
  • Exercise helps prevent obesity and can aid in eliminating visceral---belly---fat. Studies show that just losing 2.2 pounds can lower both the top and bottom blood pressure numbers by 1 mm Hg.
  • Exercise helps the body maintain the process of angiogenesis, which maintains the proper amount of blood vessels. Producing too few blood vessels can lead to heart disease and too many can promote cancer.
  • Put your workout on your calendar. Make it an appointment with good health and do it the same time every day until it becomes a habit. Making it a habit can boost your chances for success.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

Staying In Shape With A Busy Lifestyle

Staying In Shape With A Busy Lifestyle

Staying in shape can be difficult for busy people, but it's those same people that will benefit from it most. Maintaining a crowded schedule requires extra energy, which you'll have if you workout regularly. Busy people often are under stress, another reason is that the busier you are, the more important it is to exercise. Exercise is a stress buster. It burns off the hormones of stress and replaces them with ones that make you feel good.

Put your workout on your schedule, like a doctor's appointment.

While it's not a doctor's appointment, it can help reduce the number of appointments you'll need with your healthcare provider by improving your overall health. The logic is simple, when you make the time, you don't have to find the time. Instead of waiting until the end of the day to fit in your workout or when you have spare time, which is never, your workout is already on your calendar. It makes your health and workout a top priority.

Workout the first thing in the morning.

Schedule your workout before the first phone call, getting the kids dressed for school or even taking your morning shower. You'll have fewer distractions and can cross it off your to-do list immediately. Exercise helps clear the mind and boosts circulation, when you do go to work or start on the day's tasks, you'll be more focused and have increased cognition to make the day run smoother. It also starts your day with a metabolic boost.

Work smarter and maximize your benefits.

Having a program that is customized and based on your goals helps you see results faster. Faster results are a huge motivator. If you're a busy person, many of these workouts don't require as much time. Circuit training, kettlebell training and HIIT---high intensity interval training---can reduce the amount of time you spend at each session, giving you more benefits in less time. It's all about how intense the workout is and whether it's steady-state or modified to adjust the intensity levels throughout the workout.

  • If you're in a pinch and can't maintain your normal workout schedule, you can break it up into smaller sessions. You could do several 10 to 15-minute sessions throughout the day, take a walk at lunch to add extra steps or exercise at night while watching TV or movies.
  • If you have a group you always meet with after work, switch that meeting from the coffee shop or bar to the gym. Make your social time fitness time.
  • Some people simply hate working out and find reasons to avoid it. If that describes you, time isn't a problem. You simply don't like it. Find something active that you do enjoy, such as dancing or basketball, and do it. Alternate between gym sessions and your new favorite exercise.
  • Get even more benefits from your workout by supplementing it with healthy eating habits. One small step that can make a big difference is cutting out food with added sugar and highly processed food.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

Why Your Weight Doesn't Really Matter

Why Your Weight Doesn’t Really Matter

A lot of people focus on losing weight to get healthier, and sometimes do it to excess. They fret if they've gained a pound and get ecstatic when they've lost one. While losing weight is an excellent goal, in the general scheme of things, it doesn't matter, especially if you're losing inches. When you stay the same weight, but shed inches, it means you're building muscle mass. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does, so even if you don't lose a pound, but change your body's composition to more muscle mass, you'll be thinner and wear a smaller size.

The scales can make you discouraged.

When you lose weight, it's not a straight line down, but one with peaks and valleys with each peak or valley lower than the previous one. Depending strictly on the scales to get a picture of how well you're doing is deceiving. Throughout the day and week your weight fluctuates. Sometimes, your body retains more water than other times. Your weight can give you false encouragement or unnecessary disappointment.

Losing weight may not help get rid of a Buddha belly.

The weight you carry in your abdominal area is the most dangerous type of weight. It's also the hardest weight to lose. It crowds your organs and can cause all types of health issues from increased risk of heart disease to increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Instead of weighing yourself, take a measurement of your waist, then divide it by your height in inches. If your waist is 27 inches and your 5'5" or 6'5", then you'd divide 27 by 65. The answer is 0.41. A good result, which means you don't have visceral fat, is 0.5 or less.

How your clothes fit is a good indication.

If your pants are looser than they were a month ago, you're doing fine, regardless of what your weight is. If the scales said you lost 2 pounds, but your clothing is getting tighter, there's something wrong. Either your scales are off or you're being deceived. Using an article of clothing as your measure is a good idea. Before you start your weight loss program, find a pair of pants that are too tight to use as your guide. Once a month, try them on to see how well they fit.

  • If you want to lose visceral fat, you need a healthier diet, plus regular exercise, with high intensity workouts the best. It's important to get enough sleep, limit your alcohol intake and reduce your stress level.
  • You don't need to give up weighing yourself altogether. Just don't overly depend on the number on the scales and use other ways to track your progress. Using body measurements is another way to track.
  • Take a picture of yourself once a month. Wear the same clothing each time and make it revealing, to show your body in full. After a few months, compare the before and after.
  • Identify the reason you want to lose weight and use that as a way to track progress. Do you want to have more energy, lower blood pressure, or lower blood glucose levels? Use blood pressure readings, the number of flights of stairs you can climb or resting blood glucose levels.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness