
Why You Shouldn't Eat After 8 PM

Why You Shouldn’t Eat After 8 PM

Most people have heard the saying that you shouldn’t eat after 8 p.m. Few know the reason behind that. It has little to do with the actual time of day or the average person’s bedtime. If you don’t get off work until 10 p.m. or go to bed early, eating after eight becomes your mealtime. […]

Ways To Exercise As A Couple

Ways To Exercise As A Couple

Many couples in Lakeland, FL join the gym together and then work out at different times. That might be a wasted opportunity. Sometimes, it’s because of childcare, while other times it’s simply scheduling convenience. Both are logical reasons, but why not take at least one day for time as a couple? Work out together and […]

Plant-Based Diets For Athletes

Plant-Based Diets For Athletes

We do team training at Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, FL, so we work with many athletes. We also believe that inside every person is a hidden athlete waiting to emerge. Clients often wonder if plant-based diets could fit into an active, athletic lifestyle. The answer is yes, but it takes a lot of […]

Stay Hydrated This Summer

Stay Hydrated This Summer

The hot weather of summer should remind everyone to stay hydrated. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always happen. In warmer weather, you sweat more. Unless you replace the lost liquid, it doesn’t take long before you start to notice the symptoms of dehydration. Thirst is the first sign of dehydration, but not all people notice their thirst. […]

Health Benefits Of Carbohydrates

Health Benefits Of Carbohydrates

People working out at Habitat Health and Fitness know it takes more than just exercise to achieve their goals. It also takes a healthy diet. A healthy diet should include all macronutrients, including carbohydrates. Carbs get a bad rap. They’re blamed for weight gain and various maladies. Not all carbohydrates are bad. Some provide health […]