Fitness & Wellness

Best Foods To Eat To Lose Weight

Best Foods To Eat To Lose Weight

Changing your diet to a healthier one is important for both your health and to help you lose weight, but what foods are best? In Winter Haven, FL, you hear all sorts of stories of crazy diets and stories of super foods that magically make you thinner. Unfortunately, there is no one magical food. While some foods will help boost weight loss, that food has to be part of a healthy diet if you want to be successful.

First, let's look at food you need to avoid.

Just by cutting certain foods out of your diet, you'll boost your chances of success. Whether it's a sugary food or sugary beverage, eliminating foods with added sugar should be the first step. That includes energy drinks and alcohol. Don't replace those with foods that use a sugar substitute. It will put inches on your waistline. Most people know that pastries, baked goods, foods high in refined carbs, like white bread, processed meat and deep-fried foods should be eliminated.

Fruits and vegetables make the top spot in the list.

Fresh fruits like bananas, apples and melons or leafy green vegetables like spinach increase weight loss. Both are high in fiber. Avocados not only are high in fiber and nutrients, but they also contain healthy fat, which keeps you feeling full longer. It also is loaded with nutrients, antioxidants and even a significant amount of protein, which keeps you feeling fuller longer. Crucifers such as cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, as well as all other vegetables that aren't starchy, like potatoes, can boost weight loss efforts.

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids or lean protein are excellent choices.

Choosing food high in lean protein, such as fatty fish or poultry, will help you shed extra pounds by filling you up and not out. That fatty fish, like salmon or tuna, can also help shave off the pounds, since they're high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 can boost your metabolic rate and improve your ability to burn more calories. They also are anti-inflammatory and can decrease insulin resistance, both of which boost your efforts to lose weight.

  • Refined wheat bread is highly processed and doesn't contain nutrients or fiber, which keeps you feeling full. Opt for whole grains in your diet. They are also sources of vitamin B complex, zinc and more.
  • Choosing protein and a carb for a snack before and after a tough workout can help build muscles. Whether you choose peanut butter sandwiches, yogurt and fruit or cheese and apples, it will help recovery and weight loss.
  • Drink extra water. Water has no calories but fills you up. Studies show that if you drink an 8 ounce glass of water before a meal, you'll eat less and lose more weight.
  • Combine that healthy diet with regular exercise to get the maximum benefit. The more muscle tissue you build, the easier it is to lose weight.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

Is Almond Butter Better Than Peanut Butter?

Is Almond Butter Better Than Peanut Butter?

Choosing almond butter for sandwiches and snacks over peanut butter does sound a little trendier and can provide a welcomed change. Is almond butter healthier or just something different? Are you better off opting for other types of nut butters, like almond butter? What does the nutritional breakdown say?

What's the difference between the two when it comes to vitamins and minerals?

Sadly, almond butter beats the old stand-by peanut butter. It has far more calcium---seven times to be exact---which is necessary for bones and teeth. There's three times the amount of vitamin E, too. Vitamin E can help prevent narrowing of the arteries from plaque build-up. If you compare the amount of iron, which is necessary for red blood cells, you'll find that almond butter has twice as much. Peanut butter still has a considerable amount of these nutrients, just not as much as almond butter.

Eating nuts or nut butter is a good way to get healthy fat.

People often freak out when they hear the word fat, believing it will cause you to be fat, but it's necessary for a healthy body. The key is to eat the healthiest type and avoid trans fats, which is unhealthy. If you compare peanut butter to almond butter, you'll find both provide monounsaturated fat that's good for you. However, almond butter has about 25% more of this type of healthy fat, with peanut butter providing twice as much saturated fat per serving, which should be consumed in moderation.

Which has the most fiber or protein?

Peanut butter is the winner when it comes to protein. It has 3 grams of protein per tablespoon compared to almond butter's 2.4 grams. When it comes to fiber, however, almond butter wins that round. It has slightly over twice the amount of fiber as peanut butter does. You need both fiber and protein to help fill you up and keep you feeling full. Both will do the job adequately, since peanut butter has more protein, while almond butter has more fiber.

  • Both peanut butter and almond butter contain about the same amount of magnesium, zinc, potassium and biotin. They both contain approximately the same number of calories, which is just under 100 per tablespoon.
  • Monounsaturated fat, which is more prevalent in almond butter, can help you control blood sugar better and reduce the risk of heart disease. Saturated fat, more prevalent in peanut butter, is necessary to build cell membranes, absorb fat soluble vitamins and increase bone density.
  • If you're making your own almond butter or peanut butter or opting for one that's commercially made that has no other ingredients, the amount of sugar you get will be minimal. Always read the label, since some companies add sugar to their nut butters.
  • Peanut butter is easier on your wallet, with a far lower price. Both are good options, especially for diabetics. One study found that when diabetic women ate five servings of nuts or nut butter per week. It significantly lowered the risk of heart disease.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

Reasons Why Vegans And Vegetarians Might Age Faster

Reasons Why Vegans And Vegetarians Might Age Faster

People who choose to become vegans or vegetarians, choose a plant based lifestyle. The difference between the two is that the vegan diet is more radical. While vegetarians may not eat animal flesh, they may eat dairy products or eggs. That can make a huge difference in the available nutrients that are readily available. Clients in Winter Haven, FL, have asked whether there are pitfalls to plant based diets and whether vegans or vegetarians age faster.

One of the pitfalls of the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle is the difficulty getting all nutrients.

Animal products contain collagen, plants don't. They do contain all the building blocks of collagen, so when you eat plants, your body has the amino acids necessary for your body to build collagen. Collagen helps your skin look younger. Animal products have more EPA and DHA, but plants contain more ALA fatty acids. People who are vegans and vegetarians may find it more difficult to get vitamins K and B12, too. In fact, they're often found low in all these things, B12, K, EPA, DHA and collagen. That increases the potential for premature aging if there are deficits.

An imbalance of Omega3 to Omega6 can cause accelerated aging.

When you have too little omega-3 or DHA and EPA, it can cause the skin to lose elasticity and limit the oil the body makes to keep it soft. Those two changes can make the skin look blotchy, dry and bumpy. It also can affect the hair in a similar way. Aging is more than skin deep. Missing those three fatty acids can also lead to heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, ADD and arthritis.

AGEs are more frequent if you have a vegan diet.

Ironically, AGEs---Advanced glycation end-products, occur when you eat a diet high in refined starchy carbohydrates, which includes artificial meat! Vegans replace meat with food like beans and sometimes grains. Both grains and beans can cause problems with digestion, which include causing blood sugar to spike. If your blood sugar spikes, it can lead to glycation of the cells where the sugar molecule attaches to the protein or fat. It's known to cause aging and chronic disease. It's a leading factor of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's' and heart disease.

  • Fatty acid deficiency can cause more than dull hair, peeling nails and dry scaly skin. It can cause achy joints, digestive issues, irregular bowel movements, brain fog, irritability, weakness and lethargy.
  • AGE's damage all organs, cause sagging skin, wrinkles and breaks down collagen and elastin. When carbs break down to sugar, the sugar causes the elastin and collagen to break down and cause early aging.
  • Vegans can also age slower with a well-planned diet. All the phytonutrients can provide protection for the body and help prevent cell damage that leads to aging.
  • The fruits and vegetables of a vegetarian or vegan diet can also help keep you younger looking. Ensuring you're eating a healthy well-balanced diet and cutting back on simple carbs and processed food is the key.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

What Are The Signs I'm Working Out Too Much?

What Are The Signs I’m Working Out Too Much?

It doesn't happen very often, but sometimes, we see people have all the signs that they're working out too much. Yes, no matter how healthy exercise is, you can take it too far. Check your workout schedule. Are you working out for hours every day? Are you doing strength training for your whole body seven days a week? That can be a good indicator.

What are the dangers of over-exercising?

Over-exercising can be counterproductive. In fact, that's also one of the signs. If you're putting in more time in the gym and really exercising, but aren't seeing the results, you might need to cut back on workout time. Working out too much taxes the body. It doesn't give the muscles a chance to heal the small microtears, which build muscle tissue. It takes 48-hours or longer for those to heal, so you need to give the muscle groups a rest. If you want to do strength training daily, alternate muscle groups you work.

You might be getting colds and flu more frequently.

When you workout too much, it can affect your immune system. Even though exercise burns off the hormones of stress, strenuous exercise, particularly if it's done too frequently or for too long, can actually cause stress. While the muscle repairs, your immune system isn't efficient. It can take up to 72 hours for the immune system to return to normal. That's while the body is healing the microtears in the muscle that cause the muscle to grow. Overtraining can lead to a less efficient immune system.

Your body will tell you what you need to know.

If you're finding you're always exhausted or feel exhausted more quickly when you're physically active, you might be working out too much. Recovery also takes longer after a workout. You simply don't do as well as before and start losing ground. The harder and longer you workout, the worse it gets. Chronic fatigue, longer recovery time, anxiety, anger, depression and confusion are all signs you may be working out too much.

  • Alternating your strength-building workout by working different parts of the body on different days or alternating aerobic, strength-building, flexibility and balance workouts can help.
  • Exercise helps you fall asleep quicker, so if you find you suddenly have insomnia, you might be working out too much. You can still workout daily, just make alternate days a recovery workout.
  • You'll feel tired sooner, indicating you're losing ground from working out too much, but you also may be losing muscle mass and increasing the amount of body fat you have.
  • Your heart rate can tell you when you need rest. If your resting heart rate is normally 50 beats a minute, but it jumps to 80 beats a minute regularly, you might have stressed your body too much with too much exercise.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

Are My Fitness Goals Realistic?

Are My Fitness Goals Realistic?

In order to arrive at a destination, you need to know where you're going. That's true whether you're taking an actual trip or talking about fitness goals. If you plan to drive from New York City and start at 8 a.m., planning to arrive in Lakeland, Florida at 9 a.m., you need to re-evaluate your goals, because they aren't realistic. The same is true when it comes to fitness goals. If you have a goal of winning a ten mile marathon next week but haven't done any type of physical activity in years or want to lose 60 pounds in two weeks, you need to rethink your goals. They simply aren't realistic.

In order to plan any journey, you have to know the starting point.

The same is true of fitness. Besides knowing your ultimate goal, you have to know where you're at right now and whether your goal is healthy. Most people know how much they weigh, but for the person who runs a race, most of the time that person has no idea how far he or she can run. It's important for them to do that, so they can set goals to improve their performance. Whether trying to lose weight or run a marathon, the goal should be a healthy one. If you're 5'10" and weigh 115 pounds, but want to lose 20 pounds, it's an unhealthy goal that needs to be reconsidered.

It took a while to develop a problem, so you won't see a change overnight.

Whether you're overweight, out-of-shape or both, it took a while to get that way, so it won't be solved in a few days or a few weeks. It will take far longer to get to the final goal you seek. It's one reason we focus on helping people break down big goals into smaller goals that can be achieved more quickly. If you want to lose 60 pounds, start by losing two to three pounds a week and celebrate every success. Before you know it, 5 to 6 months have passed and you'll have reached your goal.

Track your progress.

Winners keep score. If you don't track your goal, how will you know if you've achieved it? How will you know when you're not on the right track? Everyone has a different reason for losing weight. Some want to do it to be healthier, get their blood pressure lower or improve their blood glucose levels. Others want to look better and wear a smaller size. Some people simply want to feel more energetic. While weighing yourself once a week is a good indicator, have a second indicator that fits with your goals. Track your blood pressure, take measurements or note how much you get done every day and if your energy is higher. Write down the results so you can look back and see the progress.

  • If weight loss is a goal, don't weigh yourself daily, but once a week at the same time each day. Your weight fluctuates, based on many things, including water retention and weighing more frequently can be discouraging.
  • Goal setting provides a road map to success, as long as those goals are realistic. They also need to have a time set to achieve those goals or you'll always be aiming at "tomorrow."
  • If weight loss is a goal, you'll benefit from both exercise and eating a healthy diet. You can't out-exercise an unhealthy diet and exercise helps weight loss occur faster. They work hand in hand to help you reach your fitness goal.
  • Unrealistic goals are motivation killers. If you're constantly failing, you eventually quit trying. Setting goals too low can also be just as bad.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

What Is A Superfood?

What Is A Superfood?

If you're going through scientific journals trying to find the definition of superfood, you'll have a tough time. It's not an official term, but one used by writers, lay nutritional bloggers and others to offer a clearer mental picture of the quality of a specific food. It describes a food that's high in nutrients and offers an extraordinary number of health benefits. It's been used to describe many types of food from the exotic like goji berries, to the more mundane, like beets.

Sometimes, it's just Madison Avenue promoting food.

Marketing is important, even for natural foods. While an advertising agency may have come up with the idea that a particular food is a superfood, it doesn't mean the claim is empty. Superfoods have high nutritional content, especially when you compare it to the number of calories it contains and the ad agency drew your attention to the fact. Superfoods contain enzymes, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and healthy fat. They often offer the body multiple health benefits and/or healing properties. Always do your own research.

Most foods called superfoods are whole foods.

Throughout history, man has lived off the land. Many of the foods considered superfoods today have been around, in one form or another, as long as man or longer. Ancient grains are one example. Acai berries, chia seeds, mulberries and spirulina are a few better known ones. You may already know about others like lucuma fruit---gold of the Incas, sacha inchi and maca, which are growing in popularity for their health and nutritional benefits.

Easier options to find are healthy options that should be part of your diet.

You don't have to go to the jungle of the Amazon to find superfoods. They may be grown in your garden or on a farm close to you. Beets, for example, have been labeled a superfood. Nuts and seeds are high in nutrients and healthy fat, so some call them superfoods. Kefir and other fermented foods provide probiotic benefits and other nutrients. Olive oil, mushrooms, salmon, salmon and sweet potatoes often get the honor of being called superfoods, just as green leafy vegetables, green tea, berries, eggs and legumes do.

Superfoods also include spices and herbs. Garlic, turmeric and ginger are all included in that group. Don't forget many of the healing herbs that have been used for centuries, like holy basil and thyme.

If you're trying to decide whether your favorite fruit, vegetable or organic animal product is a superfood, just google it. In most cases, at least one site will call it that. It's because most whole foods provide a wealth of nutrients.

One ancient additive that's considered a superfood is nutritional yeast, which is often used in vegan recipes to give a cheesy flavor. It's high in B vitamins and the best source of B12, riboflavin.

One reason amla---the Indian gooseberry---is considered a superfood, is its ability to retain a high vitamin C content even when it's dried. It has 20 times more vitamin C than oranges and is an anti-aging food in powder form that you can add to drinks.

Plant-Based Protein Vs Animal-Based Protein

Plant-Based Protein Vs Animal-Based Protein

I've noticed a lot of vegan restaurants and plant-based food options in the grocery store in Lakeland, FL. It's part of a new trend and eating style that's in all areas. There are even plant-based protein choices at fast food restaurants. So, which is best? Are there benefits to consuming animal-based protein or should we look to the plant world for protein in our diets?

Amino acids are the building blocks for protein, but it can't make all of them.

Protein is essential for all cell functions and building cells. For a long time, scientists believed there were 20 amino acids, but have added two new ones and now believe there might be as many as 200. Within the group of amino acids, there are nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are the ones that the body can't make and must come from food. Animal-based protein is complete, containing all nine essential amino acids, but not all plant protein does. In order to get all essential amino acids from plants, the diet must contain several sources of plant protein that combine to achieve a complete protein source.

It's all about choosing high-quality protein.

Quality protein refers to the amount of protein available to the body known as bioavailability. It also refers to the amount the body can absorb to use. There are high-quality sources for both animal and plant protein. Fish, poultry, red meat, dairy, eggs, quinoa and soy all fit into the category of quality protein. Pea protein is easier to digest than beans, nuts or rice. However, recent studies showed that animal protein tends to be more bioavailable, so you don't have to eat as much to get the same amount of usable protein.

It's more about the type of plant and animal protein you consume.

If you're eating highly processed meat, like bacon or luncheon meat, no matter how bioavailable the protein is, it isn't as healthy as eating most plant-based protein dishes. These foods contain additives that can cause inflammation that affect the entire body. The same is true of plant-based options, too. For instance, when animal-based burgers were compared to plant-based ones offered at the same fast food chain, animal-based protein was more bioavailable, but both contain sodium and saturated fat, but the plant based alternative contained four times as much sodium and twice as much saturated fat.

  • Choose animal protein and plant protein from organic sources don't use herbicides, insecticides, steroids, antibiotics and hormones when being raised. These can cause inflammation.
  • Some plant choices may be superior to animal sources. It's not because of the protein itself but the other nutrients the plant contains, like fiber. Animal protein is also higher in saturated fat.
  • If you want the most nutrients from an animal-based source, choose organ meats from grass fed or pastured animals. For seafood, opt for wild caught options and ones that don't come from seafood farms, particularly those outside of the US with lower standards.
  • It's not difficult to get complete proteins from plant sources. Peanut butter on whole wheat is one example. You don't even have to eat all the protein choices at one meal but can spread them throughout the day to get complete proteins.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health & Fitness

How Chronic Stress And Cortisol Affect Your Fitness

How Chronic Stress And Cortisol Affect Your Fitness

The changes in the body when you're under stress serve a purpose. Those changes were particularly important in early times, when the fight or flight response made the difference between survival and death. However, today, people in Lakeland, FL, and across the US now experience chronic stress part of daily living. Stress doesn't have to be as challenging as a death of a loved one or loss of a job. It can occur during happier situations, such as weddings or preparing to go on vacation. All stressors cause hormonal changes. They increase cortisol levels, can cause permanent changes to the body and affect your overall health and fitness.

The hormones of stress cause changes in your body.

The body and brain do not differentiate between real physical danger and the emotional threats faced in life. Both trigger the fight or flight response. The fight or flight response then sends hormones coursing through the body that are messengers to all parts of the body to prepare for combat or running as fast as possible. Like facial hair or where fat is deposited that is caused by sexual hormones, stress hormones increase heartrate, slow digestion to divert blood flow to the limbs. Cortisol is one of those hormones. Adrenaline and norepinephrine are two others.

Cortisol makes some important changes.

One of the most important changes that cortisol makes is to put more glucose in your bloodstream, which also sends it to the brain and extremities. It also causes another hormone to be released that repairs tissue. Norepinephrine slows the flow of blood to various parts of the body that aren't necessary for fighting or running away, like the digestive system or urinary tract. The adrenaline released increases blood pressure and pulse rate, while inducing rapid shallow breathing. Everyone has heard stories of people in terrifying situations that are able to commit feats they normally couldn't do because of adrenaline.

These stress hormones, if not burnt off with running or fighting, cause health issues.

You may develop chronic high blood pressure or emotional issues like anxiety and depression. High levels of chronic stress can also cause digestive issues, since the blood flow is reduced. It can cause headaches, stroke, heart attack, heart disease, muscle tension, pain, insomnia, weight gain and problems with focus, concentration and memory. Your body remains in a constant readiness state that can keep your heart beating faster, blood pressure higher, and blood glucose levels higher.

  • It's impossible to control outside factors that may cause stress, but very possible to learn how to control your response to those factors. Exercising, meditation, deep breathing techniques and learning how to look at situations differently can help.
  • Stress can cause weight gain, DNA damage which causes premature aging and even lead to tumor growth. Stress shortens the cell's telomeres that protect the cell's DNA and allows replication. Exercise lengthens them.
  • Stress can cause tooth damage from chronic grinding and clenching of the teeth. It can cause sleep interruption, which is a time the body and brain repair. It leaves you exhausted and unable to deal with the stressors the following day.
  • One hypothesis on why cortisol, the stress hormone, may cause weight around the midsection comes from the fact that early man may have required the storage of fat during harsh, stressful times. It also may be due to diverted blood flow.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health and Fitness

How Soon After Covid Should I Start Exercising Again?

How Soon After Covid Should I Start Exercising Again?

If you're like one of the almost 30 million of Americans who developed some form of Covid-19, you want to get back to your healthier self and exercising is one way to do it. How soon is it safe for you to begin a regimen of exercise after covid? There's no one right answer, just as no two cases of Covid are exactly alike. Even mild cases may have lingering symptoms or show improvement one day and get worse the next. Unlike many illnesses, recovery from covid normally doesn't show a linear recovery.

Did you have a mild case or severe case of covid.

The aches and pains of a mild form of the disease and disastrous effects of severe cases both require caution. One thing is certain, you will probably tire faster than you did before covid hit. Phase your exercise in slowly. Don't expect to go to the gym and pick up where you left off, even if the case was mild. Always check with your healthcare professional first to make sure. If your vital signs are good, your health care professional will also look for chronic or acute conditions from covid. Not everyone recovers the same, even if their case was mild. You have to listen to your body.

If you're having more difficulty returning to your regular fitness regimen, take it slow.

If your doctor gave you the okay to workout, don't expect to get back to your pre-covid workout immediately. Start with walks, lighter weights and exercises that can help improve breathing and chest expansion. When you feel strong enough to increase your routine to more strenuous workouts, do so. Sometimes even people with mild cases of covid may find they tire or get winded quickly after covid. They should take it easier too.

Severe cases of covid and those that required hospitalization need closer scrutiny.

Always get clearance from your health care specialist before starting any program of exercise. Your doctor may suggest that you take it easy for a while and start with short walk, extending them as you get stronger. Your body will tell you when you've done too much. Always start with light intensity exercises, which includes stretching, walking and options like Tai Chi. You should only do activities that you can do without getting short of breath. Do this until you feel ready to move on to the next level. Many people find they're better one day, only to get winded easier the next. It's a two-steps-forward-and-one-step-back type of recovery.

  • Exercise is important after having covid. Inactivity can cause covid related problems, like blood clots and increase shortness of breath.
  • Just as intense activity after having any serious disease and before your body is ready is bad, so is remaining inactive too long. Immobility can do a great deal of damage, too.
  • Even people who have had mild cases may find it difficult to workout at the same level they did previously. Easing back slowly and listening to your body is important.
  • While you may still exhibit some effects of covid when you're working out, like shortness of breath or coughing, you'll probably breathe easier after you've finished exercising. Some people find that improvement in breathing can be frustrating, better one day and worse the next.

For more information, contact us today at Habitat Health and Fitness