
Can I Exercise With Bad Feet Or Ankles?

Can I Exercise With Bad Feet Or Ankles?

There are some very good reasons to get a personalized program and one of those is ensuring special needs are met. For instance, can you still exercise with bad feet or ankles? The answer is yes, but you need a program designed specifically for your needs. At Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, Florida, FL, […]

What Is Your Fitness Goal?

What Is Your Fitness Goal?

If you haven’t already set a fitness goal. It’s time to start. Setting a goal is like having a destination on a road trip. If you don’t know where you’re going, you won’t know when you get there and you definitely won’t know the quickest way to go. A fitness goal can be anything that’s […]

Workouts That Target Your Belly

Workouts That Target Your Belly

My clients at Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, Florida, aren’t the only people that want to get rid of belly fat. It’s almost universal. It takes the right type of workout, but also one more thing, a healthy diet. No matter how many workouts you do that target the belly, if there’s a layer […]

Benefits Of Green Tea

We know that your diet, including what you drink is just as important to improving your health as exercising at Habitat Health and Fitness in Winter Haven, FL. It’s one reason we promote healthy diets and encourage making healthy choices when you want something to drink. While water is always a good choice, another viable […]

Is It Better To Eat Veggies Raw Or Cooked?

Is It Better To Eat Veggies Raw Or Cooked?

You probably have heard a lot about eating raw veggies and how healthy they are. While it’s true some raw vegetables provide more nutrients than cooked ones do for some nutrients, cooking enhances other nutrient content. Cooking may destroy natural enzymes, but it’s also easier to digest. Some vegetables simply don’t taste good raw, either. […]

Should I Push Myself Or Pace Myself?

Should I Push Myself Or Pace Myself?

At Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, Florida, FL, I get a lot of clients at that ask, “Should I push myself or pace myself?” There’s no answer that fits all situations. If you’re just starting a fitness program, pushing yourself too hard can actually cause a set-back. On the other hand, not pushing yourself […]

Healthier Alternatives To White Sugar

If it were just a matter of cutting out the added sugar in coffee or opting out of that candy bar after work, cutting down on added sugar wouldn’t be a problem. However, today sugar is in everything. In fact, each year the average American consumes approximately 152 pounds of sugar in a year. That’s […]

Are Artificial Sweeteners Really That Bad?

New clients at Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, FL, ask me about sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners. It’s normally in response to the initial cravings of giving up sugar. Choosing to opt for an artificial sweetener may mean you’re loading up your body with chemicals and that can be as bad or worse as […]