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Stay Hydrated This Summer

Stay Hydrated This Summer

The hot weather of summer should remind everyone to stay hydrated. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always happen. In warmer weather, you sweat more. Unless you replace the lost liquid, it doesn’t take long before you start to notice the symptoms of dehydration. Thirst is the first sign of dehydration, but not all people notice their thirst.Read More..

Health Benefits Of Carbohydrates

Health Benefits Of Carbohydrates

People working out at Habitat Health and Fitness know it takes more than just exercise to achieve their goals. It also takes a healthy diet. A healthy diet should include all macronutrients, including carbohydrates. Carbs get a bad rap. They’re blamed for weight gain and various maladies. Not all carbohydrates are bad. Some provide healthRead More..

Side Effects Of Low-Carb Diets

Side Effects Of Low-Carb Diets

When people opt for low-carb diets, they hope the side effects will be weight loss. In many cases, they’re right. Low-carb diets also have some negative side effects that range from uncomfortable to painful. Low-carb diets are designed to reduce the number of calories from carbs and increase calories from protein and fat. When youRead More..

Herbs And Other Remedies To Decrease Stress

Herbs And Other Remedies To Decrease Stress

Clients at Habitat Health in Lakeland, FL, love working out. They say it helps them decrease stress. There are often stressful times when exercising isn’t possible. Some have asked for alternative remedies, such as herbs, mental focus routines, or other possibilities that don’t require putting on gym clothes and working up a sweat. Stop theRead More..

Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

People exercise for many reasons. Some like the energy it gives them or the exhilaration felt after working out hard. Others appreciate the changes it makes in their bodies and how good they look. Most people know that working out also provides health benefits when it’s done regularly. Even when people exercise to lose weight,Read More..

The Benefits Of Leafy Greens

The Benefits Of Leafy Greens

While working out is an important part of weight loss and fitness, nutrition also plays an important role. We have local farmers in Lakeland, FL, that grow some of the healthiest options, such as leafy greens. You get many health benefits from adding leafy greens to your diet. They’re high in fiber and water content,Read More..

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