
How To Start Meal Planning

How To Start Meal Planning

Many of my clients at Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, FL, ask me about a variety of different fitness techniques and options. One that I find particularly good and have said so before is planning your meals and cooking them for a week at a time. It not only helps people stick with a […]

Why Kettlebells Are So Good

Why Kettlebells Are So Good

We use a lot of different types of equipment at Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, FL. For strength building, one of our favorites is kettlebells. Not only does working with kettlebells make the workout more intense, so you’ll get more benefit in less time used, it also works the whole body and addresses other […]

Good Workouts Without Using Your Knees

Good Workouts Without Using Your Knees

Have you recently had an injury or suffered from an overuse injury? Does arthritis or bursitis cause pain when you move your knee. If you’ve already seen your doctor, and he gave the okay to exercise, finding movements that are kind to your knees is important. In some cases, your doctor may even suggest physical […]

Best Workouts For A Flat Stomach

Best Workouts For A Flat Stomach

If you want great looking abs and a flat belly that tells the world you’re fit, it takes work. At Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, FL, we help you achieve that goal. We provide workouts for a flat stomach, but it takes more than that. Great looking abs start in the kitchen and continue […]

Weight Training For Beginners

Weight Training For Beginners

There are a lot of reasons to start weight training. Training with weights help build strength, it also burns more fat and not lean muscle mass like cardio does. That’s important, since the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn 24/7. You’ll benefit your bone health, lower your cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, […]

Small Steps To A Healthier Future

Small Steps To A Healthier Future

It only takes making a few changes at a time to get big results. At Habitat Health and Fitness in Lakeland, Florida, FL we help you make those changes and identify those small steps to a healthier future. It can start with getting more exercise. You don’t have to become an Olympic athlete overnight. In […]

How To Bike In The Heat

How To Bike In The Heat

It can get pretty hot around here, even in the fall and spring. That makes exercising or being active outside a little more dangerous or uncomfortable. Whether you walk, run or bike in the heat, you need to do it safely. While the summer is the hottest, those unusually hot days in the spring and […]

Stay Active While Sheltering In Place

Stay Active While Sheltering In Place

During these uncertain times, staying at home can often be the safest option in Winter Haven or Lakeland, FL. Even if you stay at home and don’t come to Habitat Health and Fitness, you need to stay active while sheltering in place. Whether you’re staying at home as a precaution to protect you from a […]