
How To Beat A Plateau

How To Beat A Plateau

It gets pretty discouraging to step on the scales and see it display the same weight for weeks. That’s plateauing and one of the reasons many people often give up their efforts to shed pounds. There’s no reason to quit. You can beat a plateau by making some changes. I help clients in Lakeland, Florida […]

How To Keep A Health Journal

How To Keep A Health Journal

When you go to a new doctor, he or she will ask you about previous illnesses, surgery, family medical history, allergies and medications you take. It’s handy to have these jotted down in a health journal. It provides all the information and you don’t have to tax your memory. You should also include your height […]

Benefits Of Eating Organic

Benefits Of Eating Organic

Just like everywhere else, the cost of organic food in Lakeland, Florida, is slightly higher than conventionally grown food. However, there are benefits of eating organic that make the extra price worthwhile. There are very strict standards set by the USDA—the United States Department of Agriculture before a food product can be called organic. For […]

Become More Productive

Become More Productive

So many studies show that you become more productive when you incorporate a program of regular exercise into your schedule. Sure, it’s one more block of time that could be used for other demanding tasks, but it also may be just what you need when you have too much to do and too little time. […]

Be In A Better Mood

Be In A Better Mood

I see a lot of clients come into our gym in Lakeland, FL angry, stressed and sometimes ready to blow, but by the end of the workout, they’re in a better mood. Why the change? It’s one of the benefits of working out. Working out burns off the hormones of stress that can make you […]

Eat Healthy Without Depriving Yourself

Eat Healthy Without Depriving Yourself

Clients in Lakeland, Florida find it’s not hard to eat healthy once they know the right foods to eat. It doesn’t come at the cost of depriving yourself of foods you love, either. Eating healthy isn’t like dieting. Anyone who has ever dieted knows that at some time it ends. Either you reach your goal […]

Common Diet Mistakes

Common Diet Mistakes

If you’re not having any success trying to shed those extra pounds, you might be making one or more of the common diet mistakes that sabotage your efforts. One of the biggest ones is failing to eat enough calories and using a fad diet. Dieting, whether it’s a fad diet or not, just doesn’t work. […]

Eat Right, Live Strong

Eat Right, Live Strong

When you eat right, workout and get plenty of sleep, you’re doing the things you need to do to live strong in Lakeland, FL. The secret to healthy living, no matter where you are, starts with the food you consume. If you eat junk food that’s loaded with calories, you’ll put on weight and won’t […]